The Perfect High-Waisted Cropped Denim

|...Messy Hair & Emotional Tendencies |

Good denim is hard to find, kinda like a good man! So consider Re/Done your dating service for jeans! Here I'm wearing my new favorite style, the Black High Rise Ankle Crop! The Perfect high-waisted cropped denim! Do Buy!

Peace, Love, & Good Genes (hah), Claire xxx

Reformation Emotional Tendencies Sweatshirt
Reformation Sweatshirt, Re/Done High Waisted Cropped Jeans, Missoni Converse 

Reformation Sweatshirt, Re/Done High Waisted Cropped Jeans, Missoni Converse 

vintage yellow cars
High waisted black redone denim Jeans on Claire Leana Millar

Fashion Fabulosity; Is It THAT Serious?

“And now, I’m just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.”
― Lady Gaga

I found myself laughing a lot during fashion week. Not because the clothes were funny (well, some were), but more because everybody else was so damn serious. How can you be serious in colorfully died furs and circus glasses, watching sticks strut down runways? Fashion for most that attend the shows is an art form. The display of wearable garments as artistic constructions  of structure, fabric, color that, in their essence, are used to clothe us in beautiful ways. It can be an outlet for silent self-expression...I get it, I really I do. My question is can we all just laugh a little more? It's really not thatttttt serious. So here are a few things I thought were a tad comical in all their fabulosity xxx